ご不明点や気になる箇所の写真追加希望ございましたら、ご気軽にコメントまでどうぞ! __________ English speaking and Buyee.jp customers welcome!
Serial No. 21126.
This is a fully functional, classic Sony Discman in great condition. The D-J50 were in production over 30 years ago. It is famous for its solid metal construction and great sound quality.
“Ultra slim CD player. Only slightly thicker than a CD jewel case, including battery. What made it possible was the sophisticated technology first applied on the unit, including a newly developed optical pickup (laser coupler), a thin brushless motor, highly integrated circuits, and other innovations.” (sony.com)
I have uploaded a video to YouTube. 79 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZB-PhbfVdQc
シリアル番号 21126。
31年前、1991年の CDプレーヤーです。
79分動画: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZB-PhbfVdQc
English speaking and Buyee.jp customers welcome!
Serial No. 21126.
This is a fully functional, classic Sony Discman in great condition. The D-J50 were in production over 30 years ago. It is famous for its solid metal construction and great sound quality.
“Ultra slim CD player. Only slightly thicker than a CD jewel case, including battery. What made it possible was the sophisticated technology first applied on the unit, including a newly developed optical pickup (laser coupler), a thin brushless motor, highly integrated circuits, and other innovations.” (sony.com)
I have uploaded a video to YouTube.
79 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZB-PhbfVdQc